Key message

Intensity of agriculture in Slovenia is moderate, focusing mostly on improving labour intensity in agricultural production, i.e. reducing the input of labour per unit of area or product. The number of livestock units (LU) per ha of utilised agricultural area, as the most aggregate indicator of production intensity, is stable; in the 2000–2016 period, the stocking density, like in other EU countries, has slightly decreased. Due to economic pressures (market-price relationships) agricultural holdings are forced to reduce production costs and increase productivity and farming intensity. The intensity of agricultural production in Slovenia in the period of 2000–2016 moderately increased. The increase is the result of the continued reduction in the number of agricultural holdings and the concentration of agricultural production.

The intensity of agriculture is an indicator that reflects the level of increase in productivity of agricultural production, which is expressed per unit of agricultural area or per head of animal. It consists of four indicators, which represent the most widespread production orientations in Slovenia. For livestock production, it is calculated as the number of head of large livestock units (LU) per hectare of utilized agricultural area (UAA) and the average milk yield per dairy cow. For crop production, it is calculated as the average yield of wheat and spelt per hectare of UAA and the average yield of maize per hectare of UAA.


Figure KM04-1: Intensity of stocking and production: the average yield of wheat and maize per hectare, milk yield and number of livestock units per hectare of utilised agricultural area in the period 2000–2017



Calculations by AIS

Show data
Wheat and spelt[t/ha] Maize[t/ha] LU/ha UAA[number] Milk yield[t/cow]
2000 4.26 5.88 0.97 4.63
2001 4.60 5.41 4.81
2002 4.89 8.16 5.20
2003 3.45 5.08 0.94 5.06
2004 4.53 7.78 4.85
2005 4.70 8.29 0.87 5.48
2006 4.19 6.93 5.71
2007 4.16 7.54 0.89 5.73
2008 4.53 7.32 5.76
2009 3.96 7.84 5.53
2010 4.80 8.54 0.89 5.52
2011 5.18 8.69 5.52
2012 5.44 7.08 5.59
2013 4.35 5.41 0.84 5.43
2014 5.23 9.15 5.72
2015 5.11 8.97 5.60
2016 5.11 9.51 6.02
2017 5.11 7.11 0.87 5.95
Figure KM04-2: Agricultural holdings in Slovenia by number of livestock in 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

Calculations by AIS

Show data
2000[number] 2003[number] 2005[number] 2007[number] 2010[number] 2013[number] 2016[number] Number of holdings - 2000[number] Number of holdings - 2003[number] Number of holdings - 2005[number] Number of holdings - 2007[number] Number of holdings - 2010[number] Number of holdings - 2013[number] Number of holdings - 2016[number] Livestock breeding - 2000[number] Livestock breeding - 2003[number] Livestock breeding - 2005[number] Livestock breeding - 2007[number] Livestock breeding - 2010[number] Livestock breeding - 2013[number] Livestock breeding - 2016[number]
Sheep 22.18 22.65 22.82 22.94 22.28 20.93 21.94 4330 5281 5747 5923 6181 6243 6150 96027 119631 131126 135887 137737 130657 134929
Pigs 13.49 15.40 14.88 17.18 14.45 12.13 12.07 44623 39484 33945 31690 26441 23700 22649 601953 607881 505161 544405 382031 287498 273359
Cattle 8.91 10.23 10.56 11.57 13.08 13.56 14.82 56097 46736 43675 40842 36119 34087 32805 499546 478331 461224 472363 472333 462066 486014
Goats 6.15 7.22 7.50 8.37 8.27 8.59 8.39 4775 3974 4108 4133 4214 4022 4598 29385 28690 30826 34593 34864 34542 38564
Horses 3.11 3.57 3.75 3.86 3.81 3.62 3.37 4634 4728 5128 5081 5948 6029 5766 14407 16879 19249 19623 22673 21832 19453
Total 6.07 6.62 6.30 6.82 7.19 6.92 7.51 77452 68909 66909 63549 58648 57749 55782 470498 456167 421587 433382 421553 399349 418684
Figure KM04-3: Agricultural holdings in Slovenia by average production area of wheat and maize in 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

Calculations by AIS

Show data
Wheat and spelt[ha per holding] Maize[ha per holding] Wheat and spelt[number of holdings] Wheat and spelt[ha] Maize[number of holdings] Maize[ha]
2000 1.24 1.07 30905 38257 44826 48009
2003 1.40 1.22 25457 35585 36141 44137
2005 1.36 1.24 22100 30059 34212 42369
2007 1.52 1.42 21014 32040 28844 40905
2010 1.71 1.47 18690 31946 24795 36433
2013 1.77 1.72 18635 32959 24670 42375
2016 2.05 1.74 16086 33016 21242 36985
Figure KM04-4: Number of livestock units (LU) per hectare of utilised agricultural area (UAA) in Slovenia and selected EU countries in 2000, 2010, 2016

Number of livestock units (LU) per hectare of utilised agricultural area (UAA) in Slovenia and selected EU countries ()


Calculations by AIS

Show data
2000[LU/ha UAA] 2010[LU/ha UAA] 2016[LU/ha UAA] LU - 2000[number] LU - 2010[number] LU - 2016[number] UAA - 2000[ha] UAA - 2010[ha] UAA - 2016[ha]
Belgium 3.13 2.80 2.79 4359330 3798680 3772750 1393780 1358020 1354250
Slovenia 0.97 1.07 1.05 611100 518480 512120 485879 482650 488400
Austria 0.79 0.87 0.89 2673930 2517170 2432030 3388230 2878170 2726890
Greece 0.71 0.46 0.43 2540110 2406520 2102870 3583190 5177510 4856780
Figure KM04-5: Average milk yield of cows in Slovenia and selected EU countries in the period 2000–2017

Production of cow's milk on farms by NUTS 2 regions [agr_r_milkpr] ()


Calculations by AIS

Show data
Dairy cows - Slovenia[number] Milk production - Slovenia[t] Slovenia[kg/cow] Dairy cows - Austria[number] Milk production - Austria[t] Austria[kg/cow] Dairy cows - Belgium[number] Milk production - Belgium[t] Belgium[kg/cow] Dairy cows - Greece[number] Milk production - Greece[t] Greece[kg/cow]
2000 140236 648628 4625.26 621000 3233100 5206.28 629400 3425000 5441.69 180000 789300 4385
2001 135805 652835 4807.15 597980 3299600 5517.91 611320 3357000 5491.40 172000 778100 4523.84
2002 139980 727639 5198.16 588970 3292200 5589.76 591010 3160000 5346.78 152000 758200 4988.16
2003 130711 661651 5061.94 557880 3229900 5789.60 572140 3127000 5465.45 149000 767800 5153.02
2004 134009 650400 4853.41 537950 3137300 5831.95 570610 3120000 5467.83 150000 762200 5081.33
2005 120273 659031 5479.46 534420 3113700 5826.32 548150 3082000 5622.55 152260 761300 5000
2006 112510 642262 5708.49 527420 3146700 5966.21 531910 2917000 5484.01 167750 763800 4553.20
2007 116391 666472 5726.15 524500 3155100 6015.44 524290 2943000 5613.31 150000 774000 5160
2008 113400 653682 5764.39 530230 3195900 6027.38 517770 2892000 5585.49 154000 787200 5111.69
2009 113103 625521 5530.54 532980 3229800 6059.89 517680 2996000 5787.36 145000 752800 5191.72
2010 109467 603930 5517.01 532740 3257700 6114.99 517740 3111000 6008.81 144000 743660 5164.31
2011 109068 601591 5515.74 527390 3307130 6270.75 510650 3151000 6170.57 130000 757000 5823.08
2012 111022 620943 5592.97 523370 3382100 6462.16 503540 3116000 6188.19 132000 765500 5799.24
2013 109571 595496 5434.80 529560 3393060 6407.32 515990 3529000 6839.28 130000 730600 5620
2014 107841 616581 5717.50 537740 3493860 6497.30 519090 3710000 7147.12 135000 769000 5696.30
2015 112838 631671 5598.03 534100 3537760 6623.78 528780 3826000 7235.52 111000 770000 6936.94
2016 107841 649675 6024.38 539870 3627610 6719.41 530590 3895000 7340.88 106000 706000 6660.38
2017 108825 647986 5954.39 543420 3712730 6832.16 519160 4031000 7764.47 97000 670000 6907.22
Figure KM04-6: Average yield of wheat in Slovenia, and selected EU countries in the period 2000–2017

Calculations by AIS

Show data
Wheat and spelt area - Slovenia[ha] Wheat harvest - Slovenia[t] Average wheat yield - Slovenia[t/ha] Wheat area - Austria[ha] Wheat harvest - Austria[t] Average wheat yield - Austria[t/ha] Wheat area - Belgium[ha] Wheat harvest - Belgium[t] Average wheat yield - Belgium[t/ha] Wheat area - Greece[ha] Wheat harvest - Greece[t] Average wheat yield - Greece[t/ha]
2000 38260 162560 4.25 293800 1313000 4.47 213000 1687600 7.92 829290 1858860 2.24
2001 39340 181080 4.60 287700 1508300 5.24 181000 1457400 8.05 931080 1827500 1.96
2002 35730 174870 4.89 288800 1434300 4.97 203000 1675100 8.27 890310 1782410 2.00
2003 35590 122920 3.45 272000 1191400 4.38 199000 1692900 8.49 851090 1629770 1.91
2004 32390 146830 4.53 290200 1718800 5.92 212000 1913100 8.98 838860 1773860 2.11
2005 30060 141290 4.70 289000 1453100 5.03 214000 1799400 8.42 868740 1761060 2.03
2006 32080 134450 4.19 284600 1396300 4.91 210000 1719500 8.17 685170 1574900 2.30
2007 32040 133340 4.16 293000 1399300 4.78 210000 1645300 7.83 678050 1389680 2.05
2008 35410 160300 4.53 296800 1689700 5.69 224000 1944300 8.68 657370 1939360 2.95
2009 34530 136900 3.96 309100 1523400 4.93 211500 1978100 9.35 781990 2140480 2.74
2010 31950 153480 4.80 302850 1517810 5.01 213000 1912800 8.98 661050 2025270 3.06
2011 29670 153580 5.18 304330 1781840 5.85 200710 1687730 8.41 543700 1850060 3.40
2012 34590 188070 5.44 308180 1275500 4.14 217100 1834600 8.45 563200 1567570 2.78
2013 31760 138240 4.35 297290 1597710 5.37 201860 1843600 9.13 579270 1643430 2.84
2014 33120 173240 5.23 304650 1804020 5.92 210760 1918980 9.11 545380 1663780 3.05
2015 30730 157060 5.11 302970 1725740 5.70 221780 2076260 9.36 488200 1139750 2.33
2016 31460 163170 5.19 317760 1977040 6.22 215720 1446580 6.71 536780 1593250 2.97
2017 28020 140960 5.03 297280 1442770 4.85 190210 1592560 8.37 576560 1690690 2.93
Figure KM04-7: Average yield of grain maize in Slovenia, and selected EU countries in the period 2000–2017

Calculations by AIS

Show data
Maize area - Slovenia[ha] Maize harvest - Slovenia[t] Slovenia[t/ha] Maize area - Austria[ha] Maize harvest - Austria[t] Austria[t/ha] Maize area - Belgium[ha] Maize harvest - Belgium[t] Belgium[t/ha] Maize area - Greece[ha] Maize harvest - Greece[t] Greece[t/ha]
2000 48009 282393 5.88 164057 1617535 9.86 35783 397375 11.11 208250 1850370 8.89
2001 47571 257546 5.41 171420 1493010 8.71 40555 460874 11.36 210390 1900260 9.03
2002 45525 371365 8.16 172230 1666605 9.68 47392 530700 11.20 225470 2004510 8.89
2003 44137 224223 5.08 173306 1452054 8.38 52723 554700 10.52 249020 2205520 8.86
2004 45996 357621 7.78 178700 1653700 9.25 52200 637800 12.22 251410 2210400 8.79
2005 42369 351168 8.29 167200 1724800 10.32 54300 634100 11.68 241420 2168930 8.98
2006 39839 276106 6.93 159300 1471700 9.24 56500 575900 10.19 179130 1646630 9.19
2007 40906 308259 7.54 170900 1696500 9.93 58200 698900 12.01 190340 1927540 10.13
2008 43698 319902 7.32 194100 2147200 11.06 72015 858800 11.93 240100 2472140 10.30
2009 38611 302600 7.84 178500 1890500 10.59 66700 808100 12.12 235260 2432870 10.34
2010 36433 311117 8.54 201140 1955990 9.72 69800 745900 10.69 181050 1912150 10.56
2011 40185 349030 8.69 217100 2453130 11.30 72030 859690 11.94 181880 2195790 12.07
2012 39166 277358 7.08 219700 2351370 10.70 67200 733600 10.92 183950 2009790 10.93
2013 41857 226634 5.41 201920 1639020 8.12 74170 837600 11.29 183010 2145250 11.72
2014 38331 350583 9.15 216320 2334390 10.79 62830 778570 12.39 159780 1824140 11.42
2015 37743 338712 8.97 188730 1637910 8.68 58400 692960 11.87 152050 1542300 10.14
2016 36388 346211 9.51 195250 2179590 11.16 52100 480730 9.23 139380 1447650 10.39
2017 38290 272177 7.11 209480 2075980 9.91 48840 598170 12.25 143490 1423810 9.92
Figure KM04-8: Number of LU per hectare of UAA by municipalities

Data from agricultural holdings survey 2010; date of data collection: 26. 10. 2016


Intensity of agriculture is a process that can in the uncontrolled conditions present one of the biggest pressures on nature and the environment, in this regard there are several conflicting goals:

-       Restructuring of agriculture, increasing productivity and increasing its competitiveness

(Rural Development Programme 2014–2020)

-       Eradicating hunger, achieving food security and improved nutrition and promoting

sustainable agriculture (Agenda 2030)

-       Protection, conservation and improvement of the Union's natural capital

(7th Environmental Action Program )

-       Protecting Union citizens from environmental pressures and health and well being risks

(7th Environmental Action Program).


Date of data source summarization