Key message

Land area in the measure Organic farming is growing faster than planned in OP GHG. The target value for 2020 is 44,000 ha. It should be emphasized that the objectives of the 2014-2020 Rural Development Program are more ambitious (55,000 ha) and that it would also make sense to correct the objectives of the OP GHG.


Figure PO16-1: Utilised agricultural area (UAA) in measure Organic farming in the period 2005−2018 and the target values of the indicator by 2020
Show data
Indicator values in the period 2005−2017 Target values of the indicator Preliminary data for 2018
2005 20.48
2006 24.45
2007 26.50
2008 26.69
2009 24.69
2010 28.76
2011 29.90
2012 33.13
2013 35.96
2014 38.07
2015 39.34
2016 41.40
2017 43.87 43.87
2018 46.02
2019 41.98
2020 44


Date of data source summarization