Key message

Lyme borreliosis (LB) and tick-borne meningoencephalitis (TBE) are the most common vector-borne diseases transmitted by ticks. In Slovenia, from 3,000 to over 6,000 patients with LB were registered annually, and 250 TBE cases annually in the period from 2008 to 2017 (maximum in 2013 – 309 cases, the lowest number of cases was in 2015 – 62 cases only). Living or working in the environments where there is a potential for infection is one of the most important factors for infection with LB and TBE. Better knowledge and empowerment of population about preventive measures are key factors for reducing burden of both vector-borne diseases.


Figure ZD25-1: Data on reported cases of Lyme borreliosis and tick-borne encephalitis in Slovenia, 2008-2017
Show data
reported cases of tick-borne encephalitis[number ] reported cases of Lyme borreliosis[number ]
2008 251 5092
2009 304 6220
2010 166 4917
2011 247 5552
2012 164 4943
2013 309 6938
2014 101 3890
2015 62 3742
2016 83 4273
2017 102 4534
Figure ZD25-2: The average incidence rate of reported cases of Lyme borreliosis, by age group and sex, Slovenia, 2008-2017
Show data
Women[Incidence rate/100.000 inh.] Men[Incidence rate/100.000 inh.]
0-4 227.90 250.80
5-9 275.30 326.20
10-14 131.40 176.90
15-19 118.10 117.40
20-24 115.40 138.20
25-29 120.90 139.60
30-34 144.50 156.40
35-39 181.90 181.70
40-44 251.70 218.20
45-49 322.50 249.40
50-54 418 268.50
55-59 491.10 290.70
60-64 503.60 309.20
65-69 475.10 290.10
70-74 349.20 243.10
75-79 225 191.10
80-84 123.70 119
85+ 44.20 76.80
Starost - SKUPAJ 266.90 217.80
Figure ZD25-3: The average incidence rate of reported cases of tick-born encephalitis, by age group and sex, Slovenia, 2008-2017
Show data
Women[Incidence rate/100.000 inh.] Men[Incidence rate/100.000 inh.]
0-4 1.40 2.80
5-9 6.50 9.20
10-14 6 8.30
15-19 3.40 8.10
20-24 5.10 9.30
25-29 4 8.50
30-34 4.30 5.60
35-39 5.70 6.80
40-44 7 10.40
45-49 9.10 9.40
50-54 11.40 12.50
55-59 12.50 14.50
60-64 13.90 16.50
65-69 13.90 17.20
70-74 9.30 16.10
75-79 8.10 10.20
80-84 2 10
85+ 2 3
Starost - SKUPAJ 7.40 10.10
Figure ZD25-4: Number of reported cases of Lyme borreliosis and tick-borne encephalitis, by months, Slovenia, 2017
Show data
reported cases of tick-borne encephalitis[number ] reported cases of Lyme disease [number ]
January 0 74
February 0 54
March 1 117
April 7 288
May 16 591
June 13 968
July 25 868
August 16 480
September 7 267
October 7 360
November 8 319
December 2 148







Date of data source summarization