Key message

Land areas, prepared for irrigation, have increased from 4,554 ha to 6,576 ha in the period 2000-2023, and their share in total utilized agricultural area from 0.9% to 1.4%. The water consumption per hectare of irrigated land, which strongly depends on weather conditions in each year, has decreased since 2000. Slovenia belongs to the group of EU countries with the smallest share of utilized agricultural area ready for irrigation.

This indicator shows the area of land prepared for irrigation, irrigated areas and water consumption for the purposes of irrigation in Slovenia in the period 2000–2023, as well as the share of irrigable area in the total utilized agricultural area in the European Union (EU) in 2000, 2010, 2016 and 2020. The indicator does not provide direct information on environmental acceptability of irrigation, but indicates the irrigation-related pressure on the environment.


Figure KM21-1: Total irrigable area and areas irrigated in Slovenia; 2000–2023

SORS, 2024

Show data
Irrigable area [ha] Irrigable area - Sprinkling[ha] Irrigable area - Drop by drop [ha] Utilised agricultural area (UAA), total[ha] SHARE OF IRRIGABLE AREA IN TOTAL UAA[%] Irrigated area[ha] Arable land[ha] Orchards, olive groves, nurseries[ha] Other[ha] WATER USE FOR IRRIGATION[1,000 m3] IRRIGATION WATER ALLOCATION RATES[m3/ha]
2000 4554 0 0 508960 0.90 2535 1825 665 45 6569 2591
2001 0 0 0 509624 2621 1916 690 15 8384 3199
2002 0 0 0 505462 2292 1624 658 10 5257 2294
2003 6339 6063 276 509709 1.20 2741 2088 632 21 6383 2329
2004 5303 4947 356 490520 1.10 2329 1713 616 0 4553 1955
2005 4727 4372 355 508759 0.90 1812 1252 560 0 2309 1274
2006 5395 4967 428 490318 1.10 2837 2228 603 6 6344 2236
2007 7876 7301 575 498467 1.60 3759 3080 613 65 4440 1181
2008 7732 6890 842 492424 1.60 3642 2842 634 166 1728 474
2009 7841 5417 2424 468496 1.70 3733 2825 641 267 1955 524
2010 7604 5267 2337 482653 1.60 3501 2541 626 334 1608 459
2011 8299 5833 2466 458195 1.80 3851 2266 710 875 3147 817
2012 5500 5042 458 479653 1.10 2029 676 354 999 2235 1102
2013 4772 0 0 478888 1 2232 824 550 858 3604 1615
2014 5222 0 0 482218 1.10 2324 1036 409 879 1712 737
2015 6084 0 0 476862 1.30 3175 1716 514 945 3625 1142
2016 5810 0 0 477671 1.20 3133 1735 485 913 3370 1076
2017 5997 0 0 481415 1.20 3200 1942 441 817 3898 1218
2018 6497 0 0 477296 1.40 3220 2028 430 704 3119 969
2019 6673 0 0 479822 1.40 3152 2018 541 556 3247 1030
2020 6678 0 0 484064 1.40 3958 2719 577 628 2841 718
2021 6576 0 0 479486 1.40 4660 3329 631 650 2782 597
2022 6479 0 0 479432 1.40 4955 3188 569 734 3443 695
2023 6659 0 0 480717 1.40 4058 2747 486 783 4736 1167
Figure KM21-2: Share of irrigable area in total utilised agricultural area in Slovenia and in other EU Member States

Eurostat, 2022; WorldBanke, 2024

Show data
2000[%] 2010[%] 2016[%] 2020[%]
Ireland 0 0 0
Luxembourg 0 0 0
Latvia 0 0.10 0 0.10
Lithuania 0.10 0.20 0.20
Estonia 0 0.30 0.40
Slovenia 0.50 1.10 1.10 0.80
Czech Republic 0.90 1.30 0.90
Belgium 2.30 1 1.80 0.40
Poland 2.30 1 1.80
Croatia 1.70 1.90 1.20
Finland 4 3 2.40 3
Romania 3.10 2.70 2.60
Bulgaria 3.10 3
Austria 2.80 3.20 3.70 4.70
Slovakia 10.40 5.70 3.90 1.40
Germany 3.80 4 3.10
Hungary 6.80 5 4.90 2.20
Sweden 4.40 5.40 5.20
Denmark 16.90 16.20 8.30 9
France 8.40 9.70 6.40
Portugal 20.50 14.70 15.10 14.30
Spain 13.30 15.10 15.70 14.80
Netherlands 24.60 26 29.10 16.30
Greece 36.90 25.10 29.70 16.40
Italy 29.50 29.10 32.60 30.60
Malta 27.50 32.90 44.50
Cyprus 34 34.10 21


The Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027 for Slovenia envisages the promotion of investments in irrigation through two interventions: Construction of multi-user irrigation systems and Individual irrigation systems and purchase of irrigation equipment. Within the intervention Construction of multi-user irrigation systems, the construction of 10 new irrigation systems in a total area of ​​850 hectares is envisaged. Within the intervention Individual irrigation systems and purchase of irrigation equipment, 50 investments in a total area of ​​350 ha are foreseen.

In a situation where agriculture is increasingly faced with longer periods of drought, irrigation in key stages of growth can effectively increase the quantity and quality of crops and thus contribute to less dependence of agricultural production on natural conditions and more stable incomes. At the same time, irrigation is associated with certain environmental risks. The use of water for irrigation can lead to excessive use of water resources, the risk of soil erosion, water pollution with nitrates and pesticides, soil mineralization and other negative consequences for the environment (reduction of biodiversity, disappearance of habitats, reduction of natural and landscape diversity). This risk can be reduced using more modern and rational irrigation technologies and the extent of irrigation that does not threaten the available water resources, which are also the requirements of the EU Water Directive. For all interventions of this kind, in addition to an environmental impact assessment and a nature conservation consent, an analysis of the availability of the water source must also be made and a water permit issued.

In 2000, 4,554 ha, or 0.9% of all agricultural land in use, was prepared for irrigation. In 2023, this area amounted to 6,659 ha, which represents 1.4% of all agricultural land in use. Most of the agricultural land is ready for micro sprinkler irrigation. In 2012, 91.6% of land was prepared for this type of irrigation, while the remaining land was prepared for drip irrigation.

In 2023, 4,058 hectares of land were irrigated. The structure of land that was irrigated at least once a year is dominated by fields and gardens (in 2023, the share was 68%), followed by other land (19%) and permanent plantations (orchards, olive groves and nurseries) and, which has a share of around 12%. The most frequently irrigated crops are hops, vegetables, fruit and corn.

The consumption of water for irrigation depends mainly on the weather conditions in a particular year. The average water consumption per hectare of irrigated land was 1,308 m³  per year in the period 2000-2023, from a maximum of 3,199 m³ per hectare in 2001 to a minimum of 459 m³ per hectare in 2010. In the years 2000, 2001, 2003 and 2006, which were the driest, between 6 and 8 million m³ of water was used for irrigation annually (on average 6,9 million m³ annually), until 2021 water consumption was lower (on average 3,1 million m³ annually) while in 2022 increased to 3,4 million m³ and in 2023 increased up to 4,7 million m³.

In Slovenia, the share of land prepared for irrigation in relation to the total agricultural land in use is among the lowest among the EU member states. In 2020, this share was lower than in Slovenia only in the Baltic states and Belgium (data for Irland and Luxembourg in 2020 are not available; the data of the World Bank database for 2020 are not directly comparable with the previous data of the Eurostat database). The largest shares of land prepared for irrigation were in Mediterranean countries (Malta, Italy, Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Portugal), while among Central and Northern European countries, the Netherlands leads the way (16%).


Other sources and literature

Vodna direktiva. 2000. Direktiva Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta 2000/60/ES z dne 23. oktobra 2000 o določitvi okvira za ukrepe Skupnosti na področju vodne politike; https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/SL/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32000L0060&from=SL (2. 10. 2024)