Key message

Prices of energy have increased over the period 2008-2011. In the same period, the most raised the price of electricity for households, in real terms by almost 23%, followed by natural gas for industry, 95 octane gasoline, natural gas for households, diesel D2, fuel oil and electricity for industry.

The Energy prices indicator shows the final prices of fuels reflecting the basic prices of fuels, including all taxes. The prices for electricity are reflected in EUR per kilowatt hour (EUR/kWh), for natural gas in EUR per gigajoul (EUR/GJ), for liquid fuels in EUR per litre of fuel (EUR/l).

The prices of electricity and natural gas show the final energy prices for typical consumer groups of industrial and household consumers, whereby the prices for industrial consumers do not include the value-added tax (VAT).


Figure EN20-1: Real changes in final energy prices for industry and households

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, 2012.

Show data
electricity - households electricity - industry Diesel D2 - transport fuel oil - heating natural gas - industry Petrol 95 oct. - transport natural gas - households
1995-2007 % 11.1 4.9 73.1 96.5 60.2 69.7 88.5
2008-2011 % 22.1 7.6 14 10.8 19.4 17.4 16.3
Figure EN20-2: Real prices of electricity in industry and households (in EUR 1995) in the period 1992–2010

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, 2012.

Show data
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
electricity - industry EUR/kWh 0.046 0.052 0.051 0.056 0.058 0.06 0.069 0.067 0.054 0.054
electricity - households EUR/kWh 0.06 0.071 0.069 0.075 0.076 0.077 0.09 0.089 0.089 0.089
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 - 2008 2009 2010
electricity - industry EUR/kWh 0.051 0.049 0.051 0.051 0.053 0.058 0.058 0.059 0.062
electricity - households EUR/kWh 0.087 0.084 0.085 0.086 0.086 0.083 0.086 0.098 0.103
electricity - industry EUR/kWh 0.062
electricity - households EUR/kWh 0.105
Figure EN20-3: Real prices of natural gas in industry and households (in EUR 1995) in the period 1995–2011

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, 2012.

Show data
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
natural gas - industry EUR/GJ 3.971 3.576 3.655 5.478 4.179 4.786 7.452 6.167 4.452 4.027
natural gas - households EUR/GJ 5.754 5.338 5.338 6.309 5.61 6.488 9.412 8.311 8.32 8.082
2005 2006 2007 - 2008 2009 2010 2011
natural gas - industry EUR/GJ 4.909 6.493 6.359 7.609 8.857 8.711 9.083
natural gas - households EUR/GJ 8.611 10.59 10.848 11.666 13.349 11.946 13.57
Figure EN20-4: Real prices of fuel (in EUR 1995) in the period 1995–2010

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, 2012.

Show data
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Diesel D2 - transport EUR/l 0.404 0.381 0.405 0.436 0.478 0.581 0.632 0.559 0.591 0.58
Petrol NMB 95 - transport EUR/l 0.434 0.409 0.424 0.478 0.492 0.54 0.635 0.649 0.669 0.661
Fuel oil - heating EUR/l 0.212 0.2 0.226 0.23 0.23 0.323 0.39 0.316 0.355 0.328
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Diesel D2 - transport EUR/l 0.68 0.746 0.699 0.794 0.689 0.809 0.904
Petrol NMB 95 - transport EUR/l 0.684 0.749 0.736 0.797 0.662 0.855 0.935
Fuel oil - heating EUR/l 0.406 0.476 0.416 0.542 0.387 0.484 0.6
Figure EN20-5: The growth of real prices of electricity, natural gas and oil derivatives by individual components of final price

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, 2012

Show data
1995-2007 1995-2000 2008-2011
Electricity: households - retail price % 0.9 3.5 6.9
Electricity: households - price before taxes % 0.2 1.9 4.8
Electricity: households - taxes (with VAT) % 6.1 15.9 14.2
Natural gas: households: retail price % 5.4 2.4 5.2
Natural gas: households: price before taxes % 3.6 -1.9 4.5
Natural gas: households: taxes (with VAT) % 19.9 40.7 7.7
Diesel D2: transport - retail price % 4.7 7.6 4.5
Diesel D2: transport - price before taxes % 4.5 3.6 0.9
Diesel D2: transport - taxes (with VAT) % 4.9 10.8 8.4
Petrol 95: transport - retail price % 4.5 4.5 5.5
Petrol 95: transport - price before taxes % 2.7 -1.5 3
Petrol 95: transport - taxes (with VAT) % 6.1 9.4 7.9
Fuel oil EL - retail price % 5.8 8.8 3.5
Fuel oil EL - price before taxes % 4.2 2.8 1.1
Fuel oil EL - taxes (with VAT) % 13.2 34.3 10.4
Figure EN20-6: Tax share in a retail price of each fuel in the year 2011

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, 2012.

Show data
electricity - industry natural gas - industry electricity - households natural gas - households Diesel D2 - transport Petrol 95 oct. - transport fuel oil - heating
Base price % 74.2 74 74.4 73.5 43.4 40.9 63.7
Taxes % 25.8 26 25.6 26.5 56.6 59.1 36.3
Figure EN20-7: Comparison of Slovenian prices of electricity with prices in the EU-27 for 2011

Eurostat, 2012.

Show data
industry % 104.60385439 68.3083511777 117.451820128 93.6830835118 96.3597430407 65.9528907923 120.021413276 98.1798715203 115.845824411 77.3019271949
households % 122.716627635 53.7080405933 96.174863388 98.5948477752 109.758001561 54.9570647931 123.653395785 80.0156128025 124.668227947 77.5956284153
industry % 171.841541756 105.353319058 111.884368308 102.78372591 104.710920771 192.719486081 90.0428265525 98.1798715203 103.104925054 96.6809421842
households % 135.128805621 74.7072599532 78.3762685402 113.270882123 104.293520687 126.073380172 101.483216237 112.568306011 89.3832943013 79.2349726776
industry % 85.9743040685 95.182012848 132.012847966 73.4475374732 94.9678800857 100.535331906 122.591006424
households % 66.1982825917 84.231069477 107.103825137 84.387197502 107.416081187 106.557377049 109.055425449
Figure EN20-8: Comparison of Slovenian prices of natural gas with prices in the EU-27 for 2011

Eurostat, 2012.

Show data
Figure EN20-9: Comparison of Slovenian prices of oil derivatives with prices in the EU-27 for 2011

Eurostat, 2012; Oil Bulletin, 2012.

Show data
NMB % 110.147857211 83.4694146554 83.9367536246 99.6672793101 109.144824447 113.146553681 88.7126755548 93.3771494001 110.930222767 106.477500283
D2 % 100.069053937 88.5420106854 90.5573571278 104.881486143 105.302052266 105.426456368 97.3562419201 95.2718712666 101.758541895 100.117210364
NMB % 118.35786613 96.950175001 97.851418514 106.804414665 93.6126763528 91.8205911482 88.451144049 97.3313274513 117.729298931 90.3346166833
D2 % 111.642648401 101.979258849 101.208756027 105.311683552 91.6031541865 87.3710069182 94.4178973061 97.1154597883 101.889366853 93.3648767835
NMB % 109.962110403 86.811371227 110.404930793 93.8392874587 98.0743146837 107.700457267 100
D2 % 102.492927396 92.3222901532 115.851520064 98.9614561314 96.5536348144 120.312410357 100


The Slovenian energy policy that is defined in the Resolution on the National Energy Programme does not set any specific objectives with regard to energy prices; however, it does stipulate mechanisms in the area of competitiveness of energy supply, the implementation of which has a direct influence on higher competitiveness and energy prices.


Data for Slovenia
Objectives summarised by: Resolucija o Nacionalnem energetskem programu (ReNEP) (Resolution on the National Energy Programme, Official Gazette of the RS, No. 57/04).

Data source or database: The data on prices of energy products are published by SORS in the SI-STAT Data Portal > Environment and natural resources > Energy > Prices of energy sources for all consumer groups.

Data administrator: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (Ema Mišič) and Eurostat.

Data acquisition date for the indicator: 14 November 2012.

Methodology and frequency of data collection for the indicator: The data for energy prices are published twice a year; namely, the prices in force on 1 January are published by SORS in the second week of March, and the prices of 1 July of the current year by SORS in the second week of September.
The prices for electricity and natural gas by individual consumer groups are monitored by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia; since 1992 for electricity and since 1995 for natural gas. The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia also monitors the prices of fuels, but only since 1999. The prices of fuels before that year are available from fuel dealers (Petrol).
The most representative consumer groups for industrial consumers of natural gas and electricity are I3 for consumers of natural gas and Id for consumers of electricity. For household consumers, the most representative consumer groups are D2 for consumers of natural gas and Dc for consumers of electricity.

Data processing methodology: The energy prices published by SORS are current prices. Since these are nominal categories, changes in prices do not reflect real changes. Real changes in prices are reflected only by real prices, which are calculated by the deflation of nominal prices with the GDP deflator, which is published by SORS for every previous year. Energy prices that are indicated in the data sheet are real prices; deflators that converted nominal prices to the level of real prices of 1995 were used for the calculation. The real prices of 1995 were converted into EUR 1995 with the use of the average annual exchange rate of the Bank of Slovenia in 1995. Such calculation enables better comparability of energy prices in Slovenia with average prices in the EU.
Real energy prices are calculated as:

PRt = [(Pt*1/D1995,t)/er1995]

PR-real prices, P – current prices, D – deflator, er – exchange rate.

Geographical coverage: EU-27.

Information concerning data quality:
- Advantages and disadvantages of the indicator: The source of basic data for the entire time series for electricity and natural gas is SORS, which enables a more efficient and consistent analysis of individual sectors; only for prices of fuels before 1999, it was necessary to obtain data from the largest fuel dealer in Slovenia (Petrol).
- Relevance, accuracy, robustness, uncertainty:
Reliability of the indicator (archive data): The data reflect the prices by individual consumers groups that were in force on the first day of January and July. SORS publishes prices that are obtained from suppliers of electricity and natural gas, and not directly from energy consumers. In industry, the majority of contracts between electricity suppliers and consumers are concluded for several years. Prices usually differ inside individual consumers of the same consumer group; therefore, we can conclude that SORS' prices most likely do not reflect the actual conditions in the area.
Uncertainty of the indicator (scenarios/projections): Scenarios and projections are not available.
- Overall assessment (1 = no major comments, 3 = data to be considered with reservation):
Relevance: 1
Accuracy: 2
Completeness over time: 1
Completeness over space: 1

Data for the other countries
Data source or database: Eurostat - Tables by themes > Environment and energy > Energy Statistics - prices, Oil bulletin, link Time series – History from 2005 onwards
Data administrator: Eurostat, European Communities, contact: tren-oil-bulletin@ec.europa.eu
Data acquisition date for the indicator: 14 November 2012.
Methodology and frequency of data collection for the indicator:
In the Oil Bulletin database data on motor fuels are gathered weekly, with and without the taxes. Prices on January 4 are used for each country. Methodology of the data collection is described here.

Data processing methodology:
Weighted average prices for each country are used.
Geographical coverage: EU-27.
Information concerning data quality:
- Advantages and disadvantages of the indicator: The source of basic data for the entire time series for the petrol and diesel is Eurostat, which enables a more efficient and consistent analysis of individual sectors.
- Relevance, accuracy, robustness, uncertainty:
Reliability of the indicator (archive data): The data reflect the prices by individual consumers groups that were in force on the first day of January and July. SORS publishes prices that are obtained from suppliers of electricity and natural gas, and not directly from energy consumers. In industry, the majority of contracts between electricity suppliers and consumers are concluded for several years. Prices usually differ inside individual consumers of the same consumer group; therefore, we can conclude that SORS' prices most likely do not reflect the actual conditions in the area.
Uncertainty of the indicator (scenarios/projections): Prices and trends comparison among the EU member states very likely doesn't necessary reflect the reality due to differences in quality of the products and the structure of the fuel market.
- Overall assessment (1 = no major comments, 3 = data to be considered with reservation):
Relevance: 1
Accuracy: 2
Completeness over time: 1
Completeness over space: 1

Other sources and literature:

- AGEN-RS, 2012. Poročilo o stanju na področju energetike v Sloveniji v letu 2011.
- Oil bulletin.
- Uredba o oblikovanju cen naftnih derivatov (Regulation on the price methodology of oil derivatives, Official Gazette of the RS, No. 91/07).