Environmental indicators in Slovenia

Environmental indicators are based on graphs, maps and assessments and as such present environmental trends in Slovenia. The indicators represent one of the four pillars of our environmental reporting, and are prepared in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act. The Environmental Indicators in Slovenia website enables users to browse among 180 indicators. They are based on numerical data and they indicate the state, characteristics and trends of environmental development in Slovenia. They are prepared using a systematic approach based on data and monitoring, as shown in the information pyramid.

Did you know?


The car remains the primary mode of transportation, regardless of the distance or purpose of the trip, while the use of public transport does not show a significant increase. The main barriers to using public transport are poor accessibility, inadequate timetables, a lack of connections, and difficult access. Time inefficiency is also a significant issue. However, there are reasons for optimism, as households are increasingly open to using public transport and car-sharing.


In Slovenia, alluvial aquifers present 60 % of the drinking water sources, and karst-fractured aquifers present 40 %. Due to populated areas and intensive agricultural production, alluvial aquifers are exposed to greater risks of pollution with nitrates.


We recover only half of construction waste, while the need for natural mineral resources is growing.