Environmental indicators in Slovenia

Environmental indicators are based on graphs, maps and assessments and as such present environmental trends in Slovenia. The indicators represent one of the four pillars of our environmental reporting, and are prepared in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act. The Environmental Indicators in Slovenia website enables users to browse among 180 indicators. They are based on numerical data and they indicate the state, characteristics and trends of environmental development in Slovenia. They are prepared using a systematic approach based on data and monitoring, as shown in the information pyramid.

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Slovenia is a net importer of food, as domestic production does not satisfy the total needs (especially for cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, pig meat, and honey). The long-term trend indicates that the self-sufficiency rate is higher and more stable for most animal products (milk, eggs, beef and poultry meat), with the exception of pig meat and honey, where the self-sufficiency rate is noticeably decreasing.


Measurements of particle number concentration of ultrafine particles in ambient air in Ljubljana in period May 2012 -April 2014 is comparable to concentrations in other four European cities. Exposure to ultra-fine particles in the indoor air is roughly comparable or even slightly higher than exposure to ultra-fine particles in ambient air.


Total greenhouse gas emissions will increase in Slovenia up to 2020 (in relation to 2015 data). After 2020, levels will decrease. GHG emissions not included in the ETS are according to current projections up 2020 significantly lower than the target values.


Population exposure to allergens has been increasing not only in Slovenia but also worldwide. This phenomenon is influenced by the increase in average air temperature. Higher average air temperature results in a longer growing season and thus the longer presence of allergenic pollen in the air. Particularly noteworthy is to mention the pollen of alder, birch, grasses and ambrosia. The severity of exposure to the allergen pollen of alder, birch, grasses and ambrosia shows large annual fluctuations, with distinct differences between the continental Slovenia and the littoral area.


Life expectancy at birth in Slovenia is gradually getting longer, for both men and women. Life expectancy at birth for women is slightly longer than it is for men. It is noted the increase in life expectancy at birth in western part of Slovenia. Life expectancy at birth was in 2016 in Slovenia 84.3 year for women and 78.2 years for men.


In recent years, energy taxes have increased mainly due to higher excise duties and taxes. The share of tax in the price of energy in industry has reached the same level as in the price paid by households. In Slovenia, taxes on transport fuels and electricity were below the EU-27 average, while taxes on natural gas in industry and households were above that average, exceeded only by Austria, Italy, Denmark and Sweden.