Environmental indicators in Slovenia

Environmental indicators are based on graphs, maps and assessments and as such present environmental trends in Slovenia. The indicators represent one of the four pillars of our environmental reporting, and are prepared in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act. The Environmental Indicators in Slovenia website enables users to browse among 180 indicators. They are based on numerical data and they indicate the state, characteristics and trends of environmental development in Slovenia. They are prepared using a systematic approach based on data and monitoring, as shown in the information pyramid.

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In the upcoming years our primary objective is to implement and maintain an effective system of managing waste batteries and accumulators.


Higher levels of heavy metals and nitrogen are observed around the urbanized areas, industrial regions and around thermal power plants. The reason for elevated levels at the western part of Slovenia is transboundary transport of air pollutants from the Po Valley in Italy, however at the eastern part might be transit traffic and agricultural activity. A decrease of heavy metals and nitrogen in mosses is observed in Slovenia since 1995.


According to the size indicator of energy intensity of final energy consumption Slovenia is in significantly worse place than the average of EU-27. In the last three years, the energy intensity of final energy consumption increased. The only sector by reducing energy intensity in the last three years are households.


The emissions intensity of SO2, NOx and CO2 from electricity and heat production in public conventional thermal power plants has decreased in 2015 compared to 1992 by 98 % (SO2), 71 % (NOx) and 26 % (CO2) respectively. Compared to the average of EU-27 intensity in 2014 was the same for SO2 and higher for NOx and CO2.


In the 1990-2015 period, the quantity of spent nuclear fuel, which is the only type of high-level waste in Slovenia, increased by 5 % annually. As there is still no satisfactory method of waste storage, the accumulation of this waste poses a reason for concern. 


In Slovenia, final users have at their disposal only around 73% of primary energy. In 2015 the rate reached its highest level. The efficiency of electricity and heat production is largely influenced by this share in far.