Key message

Sustainable transport planning at regional and local level has no tradition in Slovenia. Integrated approach has been intoduced only after joining the EU. Nowadays, more and more municipalities respond to the incentives of the EU and of the Ministry of Infrastructure. They prepare and implement the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans, so called SUMPs. SUMP is a strategic document which outlines the municipality´s vision and objectives in the field of sustainable transport and a list of necesarry actions which help achieving a comprehensive change and, consequently, a higher quality of life. Implementation of the strategies already results in more efficient transport solutions important for air quality improvement, especially on city level. Having a SUMP is defenitely a good incentive also for other municipalities and regions.


Figure PR19-1: Number of the Slovenian municipalities with a prepared sustainable mobility plan

Slovenian platform for sustainable mobility, 2014

Show data
Number of inhabitants 2014 Year of preparation Status of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan
Nova Gorica number 31773 2006 Občinska CPS sprejeta v občinskem svetu 2006; Municipal SUMP adopted in the municipal council in 2006
Nova Gorica number 31773 2014 Regionalna CPS v sprejemanju (2014); Regional SUMP in adoption (2014)
Murska Sobota number 19016 2008 Občinska CPS sprejeta v mestnem svetu; Municipal SUMP adopted by city council
Ljubljana number 285857 2011 Občinska CPS sprejeta v mestnem svetu; Municipal SUMP adopted by city council
Ljutomer number 11573 2012 Občinska CPS sprejeta v občinskem svetu; Municipal SUMP adopted in the municipal council
Piran number 17753 2012 Strokovna podlaga – občinski svet ni obravnaval; Expertise - the municipal council did not discuss it
Maribor number 112088 2013 Mestni svet seznanjen z občinsko CPS; City Council is being acquainted with the SUMP
Brda number 5707 2014 Regionalna CPS v sprejemanju (2014); Regional SUMP in adoption (2014)
Kanal number 5557 2014 Regionalna CPS v sprejemanju (2014); Regional SUMP in adoption (2014)
Miren-Kostanjevica number 4828 2014 Regionalna CPS v sprejemanju (2014); Regional SUMP in adoption (2014)
Renče-Vogrsko number 4324 2014 Regionalna CPS v sprejemanju (2014); Regional SUMP in adoption (2014)
Šempeter-Vrtojba number 6302 2014 Regionalna CPS v sprejemanju (2014); Regional SUMP in adoption (2014)
Figure PR19-2: Map of the Slovenian municipalities with a prepared sustainable mobility plan

Slovenian platform for sustainable mobility, 2014