
The Slovenian economy is gradually approaching the average level of development of the European Union. In 2022, the gross domestic product per capita in terms of purchasing power parity reached 92% of the EU-27 average, which is the highest so far. The support of the expansionary fiscal policy for the economy and the measures to assist the population during the epidemic and the high energy prices have greatly mitigated the impact of both crises.


The population in Slovenia is increasing. In the year 2021, it reached 2.109 million. The natural increase has slightly increased compared to 2020 but remains negative (-4.3 persons per 1,000 population). The net migration rate per 1,000 population has decreased to 1.2. The Slovenian population is aging, as indicated by the increasing old-age dependency ratio year by year. Population projections for the future show a significant decrease in the number of inhabitants in Slovenia by the year 2100 (to 1,888,364).


The indicator monitors the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development by comparing the HDI - the human development index and the ecological footprint. Between 1990 and 2019, the value of the Human Development Index (HDI) increased from 0.774 to 0.917 (by 18.5%). Slovenia is ranked among the countries with a very high human development index, in 22nd place out of 189 countries included in the calculations. In general, the higher the HDI of a country is, the higher the ecological footprint is.


The life expectancy in 2020 decreased due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which increased mortality rates, especially among individuals aged 60 and older. In 2021, life expectancy in Slovenia was 77.7 years for males and 83.8 years for females. Among the EU-27 countries, France (86.2) and Spain (86.2) recorded the highest life expectancy for females, while Sweden (81.3) had the highest life expectancy for males. The infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births in Slovenia in 2021 was 1.8, which is the lowest among all EU-27 countries.


The educational attainment of the adult population (25-64 years) in Slovenia is improving year by year, which has a positive impact on economic growth. In 2022, the share of the population with tertiary education was 45.2%, ranking Slovenia 12th among EU-27 countries. The share of the population with secondary education in 2022 was 49.2%, while the share of the population with lower education was 5.6%. There is a need for faster development of human resources for the green transition.


In 2022, the poverty risk rate in Slovenia was 12.1%. Compared to the previous year, it increased by 0.4%. In 2022, there were 251,000 residents living below the poverty risk threshold, which means their incomes were lower than €827 per month, the poverty risk threshold. The poverty risk rate in Slovenia is below the EU average. In 2021, Slovenia ranked third in the lowest poverty risk rate among EU-27 countries. However, in 2022, it tied with Hungary for the second position.


The Slovenian economy is characterized by a high share of industry in the total created added value (25.7%, year 2022). Agriculture, forestry and fishing had the lowest share among all activities (1.9%, year 2022). Slovenia has below-average shares of gross value added in all tertiary and quaternary activities (with the exception of trade, hospitality, and transportation) compared to the EU. Data on the index of added value by activity show that information and communication technologies experienced the highest growth compared to 2015 (index = 151, year 2022).


In 2019, Slovenia's ecological footprint amounted to 5.23 gha per inhabitant, which places our country below the European Union average (5.42 gha per inhabitant). Carbon footprint contributes 56% of the ecological footprint, so it should receive comparatively more attention. A significant share of the ecological footprint is also represented by forest products (23.1%). According to the categories of consumption, housing and personal transport contribute the most to the ecological footprint in Slovenia. Goods is the category with the least contribution to the ecological footprint.